Sunday, April 12, 2009

This Crazy Wrestling World: Whats next for 2 Girls 1 Cup

What I learned from this video:

1. Any wrestler with the ring name "Beef Wellington" is win for me.

2. Mountain Dew obviously taste better in a pimp glass.

3. Midgets are so damn confusing.

4. Drawing names out of a hat is the same thing Vince Russo books TNA.

5. WWE didn't have the curtosy to give a death tribute show to the Beverly Brothers.

6. Goodnight Michelle.


  1. Wow. That was awesome. Though i don't get the "2 Girls 1 Cup" concept of this team when there's 2 dudes, a chick, and a midget...

  2. @Sorgatron i never saw the whole video.
