Saturday, December 20, 2008

Cookie Mania

The christmas season is here and with the tree surrounded by gifts galore and waiting for Christmas day, I know one thing, I am purely plum tuckered from all of the cookies I have made.

From Peanut Butter, to Oatmeal, to my moms famous no bakes, I can not look at another cookie before induced vomiting.

What in the hell was I thinking scarfing down cookie dough like it was candy. I don't even know how I can get off my fat ass and write this blog.

Over 100 cookies, 100 COOKIES, for a combination of my moms cookie giveaway and for a church cookie auction. No one better even mention the words cookie near me.

But even though I am covered in sugar and butter and face is full of nauseating dough. I can not wait for the 25th and I am even more excited because I have been nominated for not one, but two, 2008 mayhemmys. I think I might pull a Miz and Morrison and win both hopefully. So please send in your votes for me at plus vote for other categories and join the celebration on December 30th on . That is all for me. Wishing all of you a merry christmas from the wrestlefan2000.

1 comment:

  1. COOKIE COOKIE COOKIE COOKIE COOKIE!!!!! Here have another cookie!
